Broadband Social Tariff | MEO

The MEO Broadband Social Tariff is a broadband access service for consumers on low incomes or with special social needs.

Tax address of the contract holder

You should check the address on the Finance Portal

Would you like to receive an electronic invoice?

(if you wish to receive an electronic invoice, please fill in the field Email)

Do you want to sign up for direct debit?

Only if the holder of the bank account is different from the holder of the contract

The social internet tariff is for displaced university students?

Student's current address

Download the document proving enrolment in a higher education institution here institution

pdf file up to 2MB

Upload the document proving your current address here current residence

pdf file up to 2MB

If you need to send documents proving your eligibility, you must upload them in the following fields

Upload the document(s) proving your situation of special social need (Social Security)

Merge pdf documents up to 2MB or if you have more than one document folder (Zip or RAR) up to 2MB

Upload the document(s) proving the household's low income status here household income (Tax Authority)

Merge pdf documents up to 2MB or if you have more than one document folder (Zip or RAR) up to 2MB

Handling and Communication of Personal Data

Do I authorise the processing of my data for the purpose of marketing communications?

This includes the processing of personal, traffic, geographical profile and/or consumption. If you choose Authorise, we may contact you with news, promotions, suggestions for new content or products and services of interest to you. Contacts are mostly by text or email, but may also be made by other means. other means.

Do I authorise the sharing of my data with companies of the Altice Portugal Group(a) for the purpose of marketing communications?

This includes the transmission of personal, traffic, geographical profile and/or consumption. If you choose Authorise, you may be contacted by other companies in the Altice Portugal Group to content or products and services of interest to you. interest. Contacts are mainly made via text or email, but may also be made by other means. other means.

(a)consisting of PT Portugal SGPS, S.A. and the companies directly or indirectly owned by it.

If you enter your email address, after submitting you will receive a copy of your request
