App my MEO - The easiest way to manage MEO services.

See services inside and outside your home, compare bills, resolve faults with the Digital Assistant and control consumption, all in one place and in dark mode.



my MEO App tailor-made for you
my meo new experience
my meo new experience

Everything you need in a single app, inside and outside the home, now with Premium Channel management and English language.




my meo indoors outdoors
At home or on the go

Exclusive offers and MEO services for you and your family.

my meo tempo
Save time

Manage your services, all organised in one place with simple access. Save time and focus on what you love most.

my meo resolves
Solve quickly

Clear up all your doubts and resolve faults without waiting.

my meo to you
For you

Designed in dark mode, with you and a sustainable world in mind.



my meo offers
my meo offers
Explore exclusive deals
Check out our stories to see all the offers we've designed for you and your family
Check out our stories for all the offers for you and your family
my meo products
my meo products
Elevate your experience and manage your Premium Channels

In the new App my MEO, you can subscribe to Premium Channels or just check the ones you have subscribed to. Another new feature is that you can do all this in English!

Explore products, apps and services
my meo manage
my meo manage
Manage the services of the whole family

If your data runs out before the renewal date, no problem. Just buy more and you'll always be connected.

Change plans or join more services
Change plan, subscribe to more services or buy more net

my meo consult
my meo consult
Check and pay your invoice

Set up direct debit or pay directly in the app. If you have any questions, our bill comparison tool helps you see what has changed from the previous month.

Check your invoices and keep everything organised in one place
Check your invoices, activate direct debit or pay in the app

my meo consumptions
my meo consumptions
Control your usage

Check your internet usage, call minutes, and text messages, and see when your usage allowances are set to renew.

At any time, find out what you have available
View what's still available and the renewal date of your usage allowances

my meo help and issues 
my meo help and issues 
Use the Digital Assistant and save time

The Digital Assistant helps you quickly access the app's features or fix breakdowns automatically. And if it doesn't fix the issue, it directs you to a human assistant.

Take away doubts and fix issues
Help with questions, app features and troubleshooting



my meo links



What is and what can I do in the customer portal and in the new my MEO App

advantages of customer loyalty

my MEO App is the easiest way to manage your MEO account and services. 

The new version of my MEO App has a new format and a new organisation that makes it is easier to use. 
Download my MEO App (Android | iOS) and discover the new features and main functionalities available.

What's new:
  • A new , simple and innovative way of presenting the best product and service offers for you.
  • Show services depending on your environment, Dentro or Fora de casa.
  • New Invoice Comparison feature. If your invoice goes up, you can compare it with the previous month and find out where the increase came from.
  • Dark Mode which reduces eye strain, extends the battery life of your mobile phone and contributes to a more sustainable world.
  • The Digital Assistant takes center stage to help you search the App, answer questions and fix issues immediately.

Main features:

    • Consult and change the WiFi network name and password TV
    • Join services like Netflix, Disney+ and more
    • See your internet usage, minutes and texts TV and when your usage allowances are due for renewal.
    • Set limits for extra spending on your monthly fee and which services you want to have active
    • Buy +net
    • Top up your mobile phone
    • Change the plan
    • Know the original PIN and PUK TV
    • Activate duplicate SIM Card
    • Manage and see roaming usage
    • Join and check your MEOS balance
    • Send meter readings and check MEO Energia invoices
    • Consult MEO Care services



    • Join offers designed for you

TV Features also available on your TV.

How to log in and use the customer portal or my MEO App for the first time
registering in the customer portal

Step 1 - Download and open my MEO App

Step 2 - Enter email (MEO ID) | Google | Apple
Log in to the my MEO App 
- If you don't have a MEO ID yet, find out how to create
- Recover your MEO ID password or email address.

Step 3 - Associate the MEO services you want to manage
- Here's how to register the service, you'll need your mobile phone number and your MEO invoice. 
- Find out when you're having trouble connecting your or your family's MEO service.

Now you can manage your accounts and services, quickly and securely, with my MEO App. Discover everything you can do in my MEO App and use the Digital Assistant to solve issues without delay.


How to associate your services to my MEO App or my MEO website


The easiest way to link your services is through the app my MEO, using your NIF.

If you have any difficulties or find an error, see how to solve.

Follow the steps below to connect via my MEO App:
  1. Download or enter the App my MEO 
  2. Select Associate service
  3. Choose the type of service you want to associate (Bundle | Mobile number | Net mobile)
  4. If you have a service with an invoice, use your NIF and enter the security code that we will send you by e-mail. text
  5. Validate the services and accounts you want to associate 
  6. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking Finish 

If you prefer to use the my MEO website, these are the steps you should follow:
  1. Enter my MEO 
  2. Choose between bundle | mobile phone | Net Mobile 
  3. Fill in the information requested, such as your customer and account number, which you'll find on the first page of your invoice.
  4. Enter the validation code you received
  5. Accept the terms and conditions by clicking Finish

All the products and services included in your bundle will be linked to your customer portal.

In detail, these are the screens and the data you will be asked for.
  • By associating a bundle:

Associate bundleEnter TINIntroduction contact numberValidation codeAccount and products to associate with my MEOEnd service association with my MEO

  • By associating a mobile phone.

Associate mobile phoneEnter mobile phone numberEnter validation codeEnter TINFinalize membership

  • When associating a mobile Net:

Associate mobile NetEnter your mobile numberEnter mobile NEt PINFinalize Net Mobile Membership




my meo see frequently asked questions



my meo hobbies

Win prizes with exclusive competitions my MEO.

my meo lowest number of complaints
Last but not least, with pride

MEO is once again the operator with the lowest number of complaints per customer. (1)



my meo less complaints note

(1) ANACOM Report - complaints about electronic communications and Portal da Queixa - Marca Recomendada 2024.