Amorim Cork | MEO Empresas

Innovation drives Amorim Cork's growth

With 153 years of existence, Corticeira Amorim is currently the largest cork processing group in the world, with 1,021 million in sales in more than 100 countries, and a network of dozens of subsidiaries on six continents. With an annual budget of several million euros dedicated to research and development, Corticeira Amorim has been innovating in the context of this multi-secular industry, having developed a vast portfolio of 100% sustainable products, which are used by the best companies in sectors such as wine and spirits, aerospace, automobiles, construction, sports, decoration and fashion.

When artificial closures appeared on the market at the turn of the century, directly threatening the cork stopper market, Amorim Cork responded by accelerating its commitment to innovation and technology. "There was never any doubt that the best wines in the world would continue to have a cork stopper," says Carlos de Jesus, Amorim Cork's Communications Director. "But this change in the market made it clear that Amorim Cork needed to evolve. And our response was to invest in 'enveloping' this 'polymer of nature' - as NASA called it - in technology and innovation," he explains.

Betting on innovation was key to growth

A difficult and demanding bet, but a clear winner. In 14 years, Corticeira Amorim has more than doubled in size, internationalized and diversified by creating materials and products based on cork. "We have reached a level of technology that ranges from meticulous quality control down to half a nanogram, to the efficient industrial production of billions of units. And between the two we have built a solid and robust bridge of knowledge, experience and technology," says Carlos de Jesus. This strategy is the basis of an exceptional history, not only of national leadership in a market, but above all of sustainable development.

"The cork industry is one of the world's great sustainability stories. We have succeeded in demonstrating that sustainable development is possible, reconciling economic, social and environmental issues in the exploitation and viability of the natural ecosystem that is the cork oak forest," the Director emphasizes. In this context, Amorim Cork has a clear ambition to continue growing with a strategy strongly based on technology and innovation.

"Today, this growth is unthinkable without a strong technological component in all aspects of the business: in the factory, in operations, in marketing, in the forestry area. We need to be served by technology tailored to our business ambitions," explains Carlos de Jesus. "Amorim Cork is a global, highly complex business that exports more than 95% of its production to more than 100 countries. It's a company where the sun never sets, where 24 hours a day there are always people working, operations underway, offices in operation. Technology is fundamental, not just to have the best product, but to manage a business with these characteristics," he concludes.

Partnerships are key to development

While scientific, technical and technological development are vital to Amorim Cork, partnerships with external entities are crucial to the success of this strategy. "Given the specificity and complexity of the business, it is impossible to have all the best knowledge in-house. Partnerships and collaboration with universities, labouratories, companies and associations are the driving force behind innovation at Amorim Cork," he says. Similarly, partnerships are fundamental to Amorim Cork's success in the fields of innovation application, operations and business development and support.

"We're talking about technological applications ranging from communications to security and stock management. In 2022 we will produce six billion cork stoppers to sell in dozens of countries. We have a global business with very complex logistics," he said. "This business requires reliable partnerships, like the one we have with MEO Empresas, which can provide us with reliable and scalable services and technology to manage and develop the business," says Carlos de Jesus.

Amorim Cork also stands out for realizing the value of technology and the impact it has on the company's day-to-day operations and on its ability to achieve strategic business goals. "We want to continue to grow, innovate and use technology in an increasingly sophisticated way, keeping pace with the market. When we look at everything that still needs to be done in the world of cork: from the manufacture of stoppers to the management of cork oak forests, including aerospace and new materials, it's important to know that we can count on a partner like MEO Empresas", says Carlos De Jesus. And it's not just about the reliability and scalability of the services and solutions.

"There is a partnership of trust, the result of several years of working together in areas such as business and application support, cybersecurity, communications and the data center. MEO Empresas has a good understanding of our needs and the ability to bring value to our business. It's a partnership that has everything to grow," he concludes.