Multicert | MEO Empresas

Multicert - Efficient prevention of health and safety at work with BPO from MEO Empresas

Multicert has incorporated the new Qualified Electronic Seal Certificate into its offer, which it provides to its customers.

The challenge

According to Teresa Vicente, Multicert's Head of Human Resources, "as a benchmark company, we implement the best practices, in accordance with the legislation in force, in all areas, including health and safety at work.

In order to be able to guarantee efficiency and quality in the provision of all the components of the service, and to optimise resources, it was important to be able to count on a partner in this area, duly Authorised, and with high competence and experience."

The solution implemented

The Occupational Health and Safety BPO solution, implemented and managed by MEO Empresas, covers all Multicert employees and establishments. The service provided follows the best national standards and practices.

The Occupational Health services, whose main objective is the prevention of occupational diseases, include occupational health examinations (admission, periodic and occasional) and visits by doctors to the workplace, with the preparation of the respective clinical report. Altice Cuidados de Saúde, the entity that provides the medical examination, has a qualified team of occupational doctors and nurses covering the whole of Portugal.

As far as occupational safety services are concerned, annual audits are carried out at Multicert's facilities to make an overall assessment of working conditions, and a technical report and action plan are drawn up. The service is provided by duly qualified technicians with extensive experience in various sectors of activity.

The results achieved

As Teresa Vicente points out, "by having this service provided by MEO Empresas, we can count on a specialised, multidisciplinary team with consolidated experience in different work contexts, capable of articulating and optimising the various aspects of action, in order to improve the effectiveness of the results. The technicians work to assess and, whenever possible, optimise the various factors that contribute to preventing the risks of illness and/or accidents associated with the work environment.

Effective prevention and action in the field of working conditions has an impact on productivity, reducing the occurrence of situations of incapacity for work which cause costs for the company. At the same time, it helps to promote the quality image of our services.

As well as not having to worry about managing the service, which is provided 'end to end' by our service provider, MEO Empresas, we guarantee permanent cost control, with a fixed monthly cost depending on the number of employees and establishments covered."

Main benefits

  • Service provided 'end to end' by specialised multidisciplinary teams with a high level of experience and competence in their area of activity
  • Focus on quality of service
  • Service in line with current regulations and standards, and in accordance with best market practices