Get to know the features of the Virtual Switchboard and manage your company's calls effectively.
Always be reachable, choosing wheredevices to receive your calls.
Forward automaticallythe calls you receive.
All outgoing callsfor one of their numbers are rejected.
Configuring destinations for whichcalls cannot be made.
See the extension planof your organization.
Protect your privacy and make callsidentifying themselves with the company's general number.
Group of phones ringing at the same timeor one at a time in sequence, until you get it.
Automatic answering with messagespersonalised and direct forwarding option.
Allows users to record outgoing and/or incoming calls.
Creation of navigable menus with options from 0 to 9 in each menu,with announcements and messages for each option. Possibility ofmultiple time schedules for each day of the week and holidays.
Consult and configure on your virtual switchboard the new personalized messages available on your selfcare portal.
Queuing / Music on hold
IVR Menu / Pre-Service
Queue - IVR Menu / Pre-Service
IVR menu / Pre-service