5G API SPRINT - Digital Transformation | MEO Empresas

MEO Empresas 's 5G API SPRINT innovation program for developers, startups and companies to develop applications using MEO network APIs.



5g api sprint benefits device identifier overlay
Device Identifier
Security and identity verification in different sectors (e-commerce, social networks, payments, etc.)

Validation of the equipment associated with the user ( mobile phone number) as an additional fraud prevention measure.

Fraud prevention and regulatory compliance in banking and healthcare

In sectors that require strict security measures, such as the health sector or banking, device identification helps ensure that certain services are only accessed from authorized devices, in compliance with internal regulations or even the GDPR.

BYOD (Bring Your On Device) policies

Easier implementation of BYOD policies by integrating this API into access management software.

Media, advertising and entertainment

Video streaming platforms or advertising platforms can adapt content suggestions based on the type of device (smartphone, tablet, etc.), making the experience more engaging.


Fraud prevention

It makes it possible to validate whether transactions and operations are being made from authorized or regular equipment, helping to prevent fraud, especially in financial sectors such as banking.

More personalized experiences

It allows companies to offer services and content adapted to the characteristics of the device, thus improving the experience of customer.

Security and compliance

It helps ensure that certain services are only accessed by authorized equipment, in accordance with defined policies.



5g api sprint benefits quality on demand overlay
Quality on Demand
Remote control of machines and vehicles (e.g. autonomous vehicles, drones, robotic arms, factory production lines)

This API can be invoked by applications that require remote control of machines or vehicles, require a stable data rate and low latency. The requirements can change dynamically (for example, piloting a drone or transmitting video data by a drone) or not (for example, specialized robotic arms or remote maintenance).

Computer vision and remote video processing

This API can be invoked by applications that require a continuous stream of video to be sent so that their backends can process it and generate a timely result: alarms and events in the case of computer vision and a video stream produced for their audience.

Media and entertainment (e.g. games, streaming)

This API can be used for end users of online games and viewers of real-time streaming channels who require a network with a high level of performance to guarantee a good user experience.


Network optimization for customers

With the QoD service, a network configuration can be activated that best suits the usability needs of real-time applications. This API allows a QoD profile to be ready to be activated in response to an application's requirements.

Seamless user experience

The customers end users will be able to enjoy enhanced services with the capabilities offered by this API's QoD service, without realizing that their network has been modified. This allows advanced features to be made available safely.

Improved customer satisfaction customers

It reduces the number of complaints associated with the network, making it possible to control and monitor network conditions and adapt to them whenever these particular applications are in use.

Quick and easy integration

With the integration of the QoD API, you can easily configure the network of the customers endpoints with just a few lines of programming code. You won't have to figure out the available network capacities and can concentrate on other activities.



5g api sprint benefits location overlay
Device Location
Fraud prevention (banks, payments)

A bank can consult this API when it detects an attempt to withdraw money or use a credit card from an unexpected location. The location check is entered into the bank's risk analysis routine and the bank's security measures are applied accordingly.

Drone traffic management

Unmanned aircraft system (UAV) traffic management or the drone operator can obtain information about the drone's location from its GPS data, but this method is vulnerable to interference or falsification. These entities can consult this API to verify the drone's location, for example, for law enforcement purposes or to check compliance with the approved flight plan.

Retail marketing

A retail Edge application can consult this API to check whether a user is close enough to a physical location before sending them a particular notification.


  • Reducing the risk of fraud without additional embarrassment for the user
  • Independent and reliable verification of the location communicated by the GPS functionality of a drone or other equipment
  • Geo-targeted marketing
  • Personalization of services
  • Control over the delivery of digital and physical services
  • Asset control and protection



5g api sprint benefits sim swap overlay
SIM Swap
Fraud prevention in the banking sector

A bank can consult the API when a transaction looks suspicious. Information about the SIM exchange can be included in the bank's risk analysis routine and the bank can apply security measures accordingly.

Fraud prevention when resetting passwords in different sectors (e-commerce, social networks, etc.)

Password resets are usually protected by mobile verification, for example by sending an SMS . The service provider can consult the API to protect mobile verification. A recent SIM change may indicate a risk of fraud in the operation, and the provider can adopt security measures accordingly.


Greater operational safety without additional constraints for the user

Preventing undue access to accounts is an advantage for both the company providing a service and the customer end user, since the customers end users are protected from being involved in situations that could be unpleasant.



5g api sprint header
5g api sprint header

The sprint has already begun for the participants, stay tuned to find out the finalists.

Build to Innovate



5g api sprint presentation
5g api sprint presentation

The  5G API SPRINT is an innovation programme from MEO Empresas that challenges companies, startups and developers to develop a prototype or redesign an application using standard APIs from the MEO network.

With this initiative, MEO Empresas aims to distinguish, promote and support technological talent by focusing on the exploitation of a set of mobile network capabilities, in particular 5G, which enable the creation of innovative, unprecedented use cases.

Participants in this innovation initiative will have first-hand access to a set of CAMARA APIs that expose the capabilities of the MEO mobile network.

The CAMARA APIs allow the same application/service to be used anywhere in the world by invoking the network of one of the operators that is part of the GSMA Open Gateway.




5g api sprint tabs
5g api sprint tabs



5g api sprint importance apis
5g api sprint importance apis
The importance of APIs in digital transformation

APIs are a response to the growing demand for agile solutions in the digital domain, and are also an accelerator for the creation of new services in key areas such as banking security, robotics, digital health, drone flight, among others.




5g api sprint accelerator innovation
Innovation accelerator

Mobile access is now ubiquitous, so network APIs are crucial for all developers to easily and quickly create new services integrated with a telecom operator's infrastructure.

5g api sprint response increasing demand
Responding to increased demand

Network APIs respond to the growing demand for flexible and standardized solutions in the digital domain.

5g api sprint digital ecosystems
Creating new digital ecosystems

Direct exposure to an operator's network infrastructure via APIs contributes to the development of digital ecosystems, with new players in the sector.

5g api sprint agility efficiency
Agility and efficiency

The integration of standard network APIs into systems and applications is carried out in a simple, agile and efficient manner, and does not require developers to have any knowledge of mobile communication systems.



5g api sprint gsma
GSMA Open Gateway

An initiative led by the GSMA (GSM Association), in collaboration with several telecommunications operators, to create a standardized set of open APIs that allow access to specific functionalities of mobile networks, in particular 5G.

5g api sprint camera
CAMARA Project

The CAMARA project includes the world's largest telecommunications operators, technology providers, software companies and independent developers.

This CAMARA project aims to create an open, interoperable and collaborative infrastructure, where standardized/standard APIs facilitate the creation of new services and applications that can be implemented globally in different countries and networks.



5g api sprint 49
Worldwide telecom operator groups(1)
5g api sprint 12
Telecommunications operator groups in Europe(1)
5g api sprint 239
Mobile networks(2)
5g api sprint 94
Commercially released APIs(2)



5g api sprint device identifier
Device Identifier
Cat.: Identify

It allows you to check the make, model, IMEI and TAC of the device associated with a phone number (MSISDN).

5g api sprint sim swap
SIM Swap
(Retrieve and Check)
Cat.: Subscriber Identity

The Retrieve feature allows you to check the activation date of the (physical) SIM card associated with a mobile phone number (MSISDN). This information allows you to check whether the mobile phone number (MSISDN) has recently been transferred to another SIM card.
The Check feature makes it possible to check, for a given mobile phone number (MSISDN), whether the SIM card has been changed within a certain period of time.

5g api sprint location retrieve
Location Retrieval
Cat.: Location

This provides information on the geographical area where the user's SIM card/mobile device is located. The area provided in the answer will be a circle determined by coordinates (latitude and longitude) and a radius.

5g api sprint location verification
Location Verification
Cat.: Location

This allows you to check whether a SIM card/mobile device is within a certain area. In addition to the center point of that area, you are asked for the radius in meters (between 2,000 and 200,000 m) to use as a reference to check whether the SIM card/equipment is inside or outside that area.

5g api sprint quality on demand
Quality on Demand
(QoS Profiles)
Cat.: Quality of Demand

QoS Profiles - allows you to check the available QoD (Quality on Demand) profiles and choose which one to activate for your needs.

5g api sprint qod
Quality on Demand
Cat.: Quality of Demand

QoD - allows the quality of service to be adjusted as required.




5g api sprint benefits device identifier
Device Identifier
  • Security and identity verification in different sectors (e-commerce, social networks, payments, etc.)
  • Fraud prevention and regulatory compliance in banking and healthcare
  • BYOD (Bring Your On Device) policies
  • Media, advertising and entertainment
5g api sprint benefits yes swap
SIM Swap
  • Fraud prevention in the banking sector
  • Fraud prevention when resetting passwords in different sectors
5g api sprint benefits location
Device Location
  • Fraud prevention
  • Drone traffic management
  • Retail marketing
5g api sprint benefits quality on demand
Quality on Demand
  • Remote control of machines and vehicles
  • Computer vision and remote video processing
  • Media and entertainment



5g api sprint podcast one
The innovation that can be achieved via mobile network APIs

In this episode, we talk to Suzete Simões, Head of Digital Platforms and Services at Altice Labs, about the platform for exposing mobile network APIs.

5g api sprint podcast two
What differentiates 5G when exploited by Network APIs

Carlos Bouça, Director of Network Engineering and Operations at Altice Portugal, talks to us about the technological innovations driven by mobile network APIs. Discover all the potential.

5g api sprint podcast tres
What use cases can use the Mobile Network APIs?

In this episode, Paulo Rego, Product and Pre-Sales Director at MEO Empresas, explains how APIs respond to various fraud use cases and more.



5g api sprint timeline registration

November 14, 2024 to December 18, 2024

5g api sprint timeline challenge

Until February 14, 2025

5g api sprint timeline survey
Final questionnaire

Send on February 17 and reply by February 24, 2025

5g api sprint timeline selection
Announcement of finalists

February 28, 2025

5g api sprint timeline meetings
Meetings with finalists

March 3-14, 2025

5g api sprint timeline winners
Announcing the winners

March 19th, 2025




5g api sprint award 10 finalists
10 finalists

Free access for 1 year to the MEO Empresas API platform.

5g api sprint prize 3 winners
3 winners

Prize money of €5.000 for each one.
Winners who are startups will also receive a pass to the Web Summit 2025 in Lisbon.



5g api sprint regulation
5g api sprint regulation

Read all the information about this initiative, rules for participation, evaluation criteria, prizes and more here.




5g api sprint notes

(1) Source: GSMA Open Gateway: State of the Market, H1 2024
(2) Source: GSMA, February 2024.